Hey.... Sup
So ya skyped you guys this week... but this is what happened.
Mon- can't remember
Tue- Had district meeting which was good, then went to our Branch
Christmas party haha which was... kinda lame but we made it fun. It was at the
beach and we just played some games. Then taught Manuel and it was a great
lesson- really felt the spirit- then the Badit family.
Wed- Christmas EVE, went to our less actives house who's always
smoking but he fed us noodles. Then we shared a Christmas message with him
haha. Then just went and worked.
Taught Nanay Lazo which was sweet, she's really
progressing. Then bro Tony. He told us to pick him up again for church (last
week he said that too so we went and he wasn't there) so ya we went again this
week, he wasn't there again... daaaang maaaaan.
Thur- CHRISTMAS!!!!! Went and taught Manuel the 10 commandments
which was sick, then just went to members houses and got stuffed with food... goodness.
You can't so no here…
Fri- Recovered from Christmas hangover.... na JK LOLOLOLOL
Skyped you guys. Went to Pudoc and taught nanay Leyte,
she's like “imma come to your church this week”, guess what... she came! woo! Then
we found a less active family who's way nice-- just shy to come back to church.
Then this other gay named Nester Legazbi, who is a drinker, we had a return
appointment with him and he really wants to change because his life ... sucks.
Sat- Taught Manuel Law of Chastity.. He had.... lots of experience
there??? But said he'll live it (he also asked very weird questions). Then went
to Ambalayat and did work on the Less- actives.
Sun- Church was good, 3 investigators came including Manuel and Nay
Lazo. Me and my comp taught that class then I taught Elders Quorem.... Ya they
ask me to do everything cause all the priesthood here are handiquaked but it's
all good.
Taught Nanay Lazo and she's like... when I’m in your
church, I have the best feeling, I’m excited for my baptism!
Then Bro Tony, we like chastised him for being a fag and
not coming to church but he's cool.
Funny story: we go to our investigators house (Reyes fam)
and their grandpa just died and it was an open casket type deal so there like
SHARE TO US WHERE GRANDPA IS NOW!!! So ya we taught a dead guy along with a
billion people.... I just stood up and read from the Book of Mormon in Alma 40
and everyone was like… stunned but it was a way old school lesson... Like
picture Joseph Smith just standing on like a milk crate and teaching all these…
people that's kindof how it was...
But ya.. the week was good, Skyping/ talking to you guys always gives
me a boost.. cause missionary work can repeat itself quite a bit... But it was
great... after I got done skyping I turned to my comp and I was like “aight
lets bounce” then he didn't say anything and he looked at me and he was just
But ya love you guys
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